
Home Insurance Coverage for Wooden Fence Damage

Many people are confused about what their home insurance policy will and won’t cover. While your best option to determine if something is covered is to call your insurance agent, it’s not a bad idea to explore the topic online, too.

If you have a wooden fence, it should be covered by your home insurance policy. This means that if the fence gets damaged (for example, if a tree falls on it during a storm), the insurance company will work with wooden fence companies to repair it for you. Instead of paying out of pocket to repair or replace the damaged section of your wooden fence, you can put your home insurance policy to work for your benefit.

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In the video posted here, a home insurance agent discusses whether or not most insurance companies will work with wooden fence companies to cover and repair the damage done to a fence. In general, he says the answer is yes, but each home insurance policy is different. If you have a very inexpensive policy that just covers the bare minimum, you may find that your fence isn’t covered.

To learn more about wooden fence coverage by home insurance companies, contact your insurance agent.